Tainan Zuojhen Fossil Park 5G Panoramic Theater|I Am an Insect Observer

Intro: A 360-Degree Immersive Interactive Theater Experience

“I Am an Insect Observer” is a new type of interactive exhibition that combines immersive interactive projection with 5G technology applications. This exhibition creates a 360-degree immersive natural environment, featuring “gigantic insects” as the main characters. It leads the audience through the grass, observing common insects from different perspectives. Visitors can capture insects into a virtual insect box using their phones to learn more about them. This educational and entertaining interactive experience is highly praised and has become a major attraction of the park.

CLIENTTainan Zuojhen Fossil Park
DATEAugust 2021
( 01 )
Your Phone is Your Bug Net: Become a Beetle Master!

We designed an app with the concept of “phone = bug net.” When visitors find an insect, they can scan the barcode on the insect using their phone or tablet. With 5G high-speed network, the information is transmitted in real-time. The captured insect disappears from the projection screen and appears in the phone’s insect box, making it feel like the insect was truly caught. This innovative approach allows the audience to traverse through the grass and observe common insects from different perspectives, providing an educational and entertaining interactive experience that is widely acclaimed.

( 02 )
5G High-Speed Network Application: Low-Latency, High-Quality Gaming Experience

This new type of interactive exhibition combines immersive interactive projection with 5G technology applications, creating a 360-degree immersive natural environment with “gigantic insects” as the main characters, leading the audience into the natural world. The high-speed connection and low latency of the 5G network reduce the transmission time of images and data, allowing visitors to instantly feel the insects being transmitted to their phones without delay, providing a high-quality interactive experience. This innovative approach not only enhances visual effects and production efficiency but also saves a lot of costs for customers, making it a major attraction for visitors.


Client|Tainan Zuojhen Fossil Park
Creative Team|Yuri Studio

Executive Director|Allan Yang
Art Director|Allan Yang
3D Art Design|Yun-Chung Tsai, Yi-Rou Jiao, James Lin
UIUX Designer|Nancy Ni
Programming Design|Aslan Wu, Yu-Ren Chang
Sensing Device|Aslan Wu